European equities seem to offer relative value, but that’s a trap

Using the S&P 500 (SPY) as our reference, we get several positive value indicators for the STOXX 600. China and the US are at the forefront of the tech race. Europe has fallen behind very significantly. For that reason, European equity indexes will perform structurally worse than their US counterparties. (Source: DennisM2) Scanning the global… Read More European equities seem to offer relative value, but that’s a trap

Trump is playing the stock market, and that ought to end in tears

Trump has been dropping trade bombs on the rallies, and pumping hope on the selloffs. So far, it has resulted in a collar. Trump defines the cap, while the Fed provides the floor. However, soon or later when, the majority of market participants get the trick, the beast will break the spell. (Source: Gage Skidmore)… Read More Trump is playing the stock market, and that ought to end in tears